13 May 2021


Urban Transport Pricing ­ European and International Developments

An up-to-date review of European and world wide urban transport pricing developments is now available on the Internet www.transport-pricing.net/reports22.html

The report provides an update of the work undertaken by the 8 European cities which are part of the EC’s PRoGRESS project. It considers the existing transport issues facing each city, the political context, the proposed demonstration design, the consultation process and complementary measures for improving the local transport infrastructure. It also contains an overview of the road user charging situation more widely within Europe, and internationally. A series of national reports for 15 European states plus Canada, USA, Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore and New Zealand focuses on the existing vehicle tax structure for each nation, the national policy and legal issues in relation to road user charging, and past, ongoing and proposed projects.

The ‘Synthesis Report (Deliverable 5)’ has been produced by CUPID, the EC funded thematic network on urban transport pricing, which provides guidance and support to the PRoGRESS cities. The CUPID consortium of experts is co-ordinated by Transport & Travel Research Ltd (UK) and comprises 5 additional European partners: ISIS (Italy), ITS Leeds (UK), TIS (Portugal) and SINTEF (Norway). The Synthesis Report will be updated on an annual basis for the remaining two years of the project.

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For further information, please contact:

Jo Baker

tel: 01543 416416

email: [email protected]