10 June 2021
DTLR Supports Major Travel Awareness Raising Initiative
DTLR have given their financial backing to Transport & Travel Research Ltd (TTR) as co-ordinators of the TAPESTRY initiative. The project involves the evaluation of 15 travel awareness raising strategies across 12 European countries. The consortium of 24 organisations from across Europe, managed by TTR, are validating a method by which local authorities can plan, execute and evaluate their travel awareness campaigns, in addition to providing examples. The project is organising a workshop in Munich this month on ‘campaign design, implementation and tracking’. A majority of the demonstrations will be completed during 2002, and the final assessment method and project results will be disseminated via a series of national workshops during 2003.
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For further details, please contact:
Dr Alan Lewis
Tel: 0115 941 1141
Email: [email protected]
Notes: TAPESTRY is primarily funded by the European Commission DG TREN. The 3.7 million euro project is due to finish in October 2003.